Five Stars Out Of Five for this one. Their best Scouse Play Yet! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Just wow! It’s their most spectacular Christmas Show yet! It was totally tantalisingly entertaining the whole way through! So much so I couldn’t wait for the second half to start after the interval. It’s hilarious! It’s festive! It’s just brilliant. @lindzigermain and Andrew Schofield we’re just fantastic and dazzling as usual. This has been my favourite performance I’ve seen them both in so far! They bring the whole show together with their performances and I loved the array of different Characters Andrew Schofield plays in this one! He’s so diverse he can literally pull off any character in the most comical of ways. I particularly enjoyed the Milkman scene! I won’t give too much away but it was so entertaining and hilarious to watch!
The jokes, the Scouse humour the innate ability to capture the Liverpudlian spirit in the most charismatic and charming of ways astounds me every time. The comedy element is just so specifically unique to Scouse humour that you wouldn’t be able to find this level of comedy anywhere else. You just know when your coming the Royal Court to see one of their Scouse Plays that your in for the most wild ride and you have to be prepared to be entertained for the duration because there couldn’t possibly be a moment of boredom with the spell binding cast and level of comedy that’s being delivered. Just excellent all Round. Another fantastic string for The Royal Court to add to their Scouse Bow! 🤩🤩🤩🤩

I also loved their Festive Menu! So great for anyone on a Christmas Night Out over the next month! Festive Dinner Theatre at its best! 🍴🍷🌲🌲

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