We got an opportunity to interview the new upcoming sensational singer-songwriter.
Please introduce yourself
– Hello my name is Bridanya!
What got you into music and made you realize that it was your chosen path?
– My legal name is Brittany and like a lot of 90s kids I grew up idolizing Britney Spears! People actually had me singing opera for a while but that never really lasted as I feel better doing other genres!
Tell us about your single. And what’s the story behind it?
– My latest song revolves around falling for a guy who sort of looked like the male version of me haha! That’s never happened before! He complimented me a lot and then randomly disappeared! If he’s anything like other guys I’ve known he’ll probably be back and play some mindgames at my expense! I’m not quite sure yet! But in the meantime I wrote a song capturing my feelings about it all! Plus I’ve talked with others who cheered me up a bit!
What makes your music unique? How would you describe it?
– Sometimes I’ve designed songs like it’s was created for musical theater and I’m just acting! But this one particular song actually affected me because it’s how I feel right now. It’s so many emotions at once!
What advice would you give to aspiring musicians?
– Write whatever you want! Whether is a fantasy or reality! I’ve done both but can verify after this last experience the ones based on reality definitely hit differently! I didn’t even know I had so much feelings left in me until after I made it!
Who are your biggest musical influences? And any particular artist/band you would like to collaborate with in the future?
– In the end I’ll always love Britney spears and her music! She’s just so fun and her tones are so unique. I’d love to collab with her someday.
If you had one message to give to your fans, what would it be?
– Never let go of your dreams! Don’t die with regrets! In the words of a famous movie called Legend of the Guardians: “My dreams are what make me strong” !
What’s next for you? Any upcoming projects?
– I just want to give my all to this one last song! Because it’s from the heart!
Rising Artist Bridanya Releasing New Music Soon – Interview

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